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Board Meetings

The Port of San Diego welcomes the public to attend meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners to learn about and connect with policy decisions that affect our dynamic waterfront. 

Port of San Diego Administration Building front entrance

Online Agenda & Meeting Management System

The Port of San Diego’s online agenda and meeting management system offers a variety of features such as: 

  • Agenda and meeting information 
  • List and Calendar views  
  • Livestream capabilities and more 
  • Questions? Click here for FAQs

Click here for alternate live viewing feed

Would you like to attend in person?

All Closed Session Meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District will be held at the Don L. Nay Administration Building, 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101 (Map), and are scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noticed and posted.

All Regular Meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District will be held at the Don L. Nay Administration Building, 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101 (Map), and are scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. unless otherwise noticed and posted.



Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I View the Current Agenda?

There are three ways to view the current Agenda: 

  1. Click on the blue Board of Port Commissioners link.

  2. Agenda Cover Page (agenda only)- click the blue PFD link.

  3. Agenda (includes links to agenda items) – click the blue HTML like for web version or the blue PDF link for a downloadable document.

How to View Live Meetings

When the meeting starts the VIEW LIVE STREAM link (highlighted) will be available in the MEETINGS box above.

  • Click the link and a new window will launch with the livestream.


Public Participation

The public is welcome to the attend the Board of Port Commissioners regular meeting of the Board in person, or alternatively:  Members of the public may view this meeting via livestream at:

In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the San Diego Unified Port District will  make every reasonable effort to encourage participation in all its public meetings. If you require  assistance or auxiliary aids in order to participate at this public meeting, please contact the  Office of the District Clerk at or (619) 686-6200 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.


Meetings are held at the Port Administration building

3165 Pacific Highway

San Diego, CA 92101


Providing Public Comment

Public comment at the Board of Port Commissioners regular meeting of the Board is limited to 2 minutes per speaker on both agenda, and non-agenda items. The time allotted for speakers may be adjusted by the Board Chair at his or her discretion. Items  under the Consent Agenda section are considered to be routine, and will be acted upon with one  vote. If you wish for an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion,  please submit your request to the District Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Public comment is available for this meeting by doing one of the following no later than the time the public comment portion for the agenda item is concluded, however the public is strongly encouraged to do so prior to the item being called:

In-Person Participation: Complete and submit a Speaker Slip and give to the District Clerk  Remote Participation:  

1. Call 619-736-2155 and leave a brief voicemail message that will be played during the meeting. A voicemail longer than the time allotted for public comment on that item will be stopped  after that time has elapsed.  

2. Email a request to provide live comment to to receive a link to participate in the meeting to provide live comments.*  

3. Submit written comments to Written comments received  at least 2 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting will be distributed to the Board and  posted online with the meeting materials. Written comments received after the time frame will be  included in the agenda-related materials record for the meeting.


* The Port of San Diego is not responsible for the member of the public’s internet connections or  technical ability to participate in the meeting. It is highly recommended that you use voicemail  rather than provide live comment. 


Meeting Records

Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and  distributed by the San Diego Unified Port District to all or a majority of the Board of Port Commissioners, including those records distributed less than 72 hours prior to that meeting, but received at  least 2 hours prior to meeting, can be viewed online  at, or are available for inspection at the Office of the District Clerk, 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California during normal business hours. 

How Can I See Past Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings?

We are in the process of transferring past agendas, minutes, and videos to the new system.

In the meantime, CLICK HERE 

  • Scroll to ALL MEETINGS
  • Click on THIS MONTH and select the date you want to see.