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Equal Opportunity Contracting Program

The Procurement Services Business Opportunities Group is responsible for implementing the Equal Opportunity Contracting program, which includes the Small Business Enterprise Plan, Business Enhancement and Labor Compliance.

Workers putting down a concrete sidewalk

Equal Opportunity Contracting Program

The Procurement Services Business Opportunities Group is responsible for implementing the Equal Opportunity Contracting program, which includes the Small Business Enterprise Plan, Business Enhancement and Labor Compliance. These three components are in place to achieve the District's commitment to Board Policy 359. It is the policy of the District that all businesses are provided equal opportunity to participate in the performance of District contracting and leasing opportunities. The District is committed to take all necessary and reasonable steps to increase its utilization of small businesses.

This is the work force data form to be completed by all businesses, consultants, lessees that are being considered for agreements, renewals, amendments or change orders to contracts or leases.


SBE Resources

The links will provide you access to Small Business Enterprise (SBE) firms that can provide the type of services or relative materials or supplies as they pertain to the scope of services. These links will also assist you when seeking participation to attain a project specific goal.

Below is a link to document your good faith efforts. This form must be completed and provided to the Procurement Services Office by 12 p.m (noon) of the next working day following the bid opening if a goal was established and the bidder did not meet the goal. The completed form should reflect the good faith efforts made prior to bid opening.

Bidders are encouraged to contact Procurement Services, if you have any questions, need assistance with obtaining current information on SBE listings, or for any additional information relative to the Equal Opportunity Contracting requirements.


Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program

The primary objective of this program is to ensure that all personnel actions are administered in a manner so as to further the principle of equal employment opportunity. Program efforts specifically address both internal and external applicants for District employment opportunities. To achieve the program objectives, EOM conducts outreach, including participation in job fairs; tracks the flow of applicants throughout the examination process; participates in the new employee orientation process; and may review complaints of discrimination.

Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy


Labor Compliance

Contractors on District public works projects are subject to State and Federal laws and regulations governing the payment and reporting of wages, the use of apprentices and other applicable labor standards provisions. Equal Opportunity contracting staff monitors prime contractors' and subcontractors' compliance with labor standards by conducting a review of weekly certified payroll reports; interviewing contractors' workers at the construction site; and, when appropriate, conducts audits of contractors' records and engages in other activities, as necessary, to ensure contractors' compliance.

Equal Opportunity contracting staff makes preconstruction presentations to inform contractors of their obligations to comply with labor standards provisions.