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Port Master Plan Update

One Bay, Rich Diversity


aerial graphic representation of the San Diego Bay

PMPU Final Program EIR & Final Draft PMPU

The Port of San Diego’s planning for the “future of the Port,” formally known as the Port Master Plan Update (PMPU), has reached a major milestone. On February 28, 2024, the Board of Port Commissioners unanimously certified the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and approved the PMPU. Next, Port staff will process the PMPU document with the California Coastal Commission with the goal of certification in late 2024.

Continuing robust public outreach in the Port of San Diego’s planning for the “future of the Port,” more formally known as the Port Master Plan Update (PMPU), the Notice of Completion of the PMPU along with the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was released for public review on December 6, 2023. The Final PEIR includes the latest draft of the PMPU, which is called the Final Draft PMPU. A tracked changes version of the Final Draft PMPU is also available to show the text changes made since the Draft PMPU was published in the fall of 2021. Links to view/download the latest documents are below.

The Final Draft PMPU reflects extensive input from the public, stakeholders, and the Board of Port Commissioners. The Final PEIR includes responses to the comments received during the Draft PEIR public review period between November 8, 2021 and January 10, 2022. It also contains revisions made to the PEIR as a result of those comments; however, the analyses of the potentially significant environmental impacts and mitigation measures remain essentially the same as those provided in the Draft PEIR. The Draft and Final PEIR incorporate the required analyses of environmental impacts associated with air quality, climate change, traffic, noise, biology, public services and recreation, among others.  

Final PEIR - Volume #1 of 4 (Certified by BPC 2/28/2024)
Final PEIR - Volume #2 of 4 (Certified by BPC 2/28/2024)
Final PEIR - Volume #3 & 4 of 4 (Certified by BPC 2/28/2024)

February 28 Special Session Board of Port Commissioners Meeting

Agenda materials (which include an errata to the Final PEIR and Final Draft PMPU) for this meeting are posted here and documents released ahead of the meeting are available below.

Agenda-related materials released February 28, 2024 for the February 28 Special Session BPC Meeting:

Agenda-related materials released February 27, 2024 for the February 28 Special Session BPC Meeting:

Agenda related materials released February 22, 2024 for the February 28 Special Session BPC Meeting:

Documents released December 6, 2023:

The Port Master Plan is a water and land use plan that designates specific areas of San Diego Bay and the surrounding waterfront for a variety of uses including maritime, fishing, visitor-serving commercial, recreational, environmental conservation and protection, and navigation. The plan determines where port activities should take place, where recreational amenities should be located, and where commercial uses like hotels, restaurants, and visitor-serving retail may be built.

2023 Public Meetings
Virtual public meetings were held on December 12 and 14, 2023 at which Port staff provided a refresher on the PMPU process, reviewed what changes have been made as a result of public and stakeholder feedback to date, and recorded comments and questions.

12/12/23 Virtual Meeting Presentation


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The Future of the Port

The Port of San Diego has been conducting a comprehensive and inclusive Integrated Planning initiative to update our Port Master Plan, which is similar to what is known as a General Plan in a city or county. This effort is often referred to as “the future of the Port" and supports the Port's mission to develop San Diego Bay for multiple purposes and uses for the benefit of the people of the State of California (Port Act).

Launched in 2013 by Chair Ann Moore, the Port Master Plan Update process began with an Integrated Planning effort to ensure a holistic, thoughtful, and balanced approach to future water and land uses for generations to come. Tailored for the unique needs of the Port, it began by understanding both maritime and non-maritime uses on San Diego Bay, then looking inland to examine how the Port, San Diego Bay and the tidelands affect the entire region, including critical upland links.

The Port is updating its Port Master Plan to reflect changes in the needs and priorities of Californians and the region’s growth. The current plan was approved in 1981 – over 40 years ago. The objective is to create a holistic, thoughtful, and balanced approach to future water and land uses on and around San Diego Bay for generations to come.

the sun sets at the Embarcadero
San Diego Blues Fest

How We Got Here

The Port is now in the final stage of a multifaceted and comprehensive approach for managing and planning the business of the Port in a balanced way. This five-phase planning process will culminate with an updated Port Master Plan:

  1. Vision Statement and Guiding Principles
  2. Framework Report
  3. Port Master Plan Update Discussion Draft and Revised Draft 
  4. Environmental review pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Completed February 28, 2024)
  5. Certification (Anticipated for 2025)

*Phase 1 and 2 make up the Integrated Planning Vision.

Questions and comments about the PMPU can be emailed to

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Public Outreach

This planning process is based on comprehensive analysis and investigation, all informed by extensive public outreach, including:

  • Over 6,300 respondents to two online surveys
  • Nearly 4,000 pages of comments on the PMPU Discussion Draft in 2019
  • Over 400 comment letters on the Revised Draft PMPU in 2020
  • Nearly 370 comment letters were submitted on the Draft PMPU circulated as part of the Draft Program EIR in 2021
  • Over 480 meetings with key stakeholders and partner agencies
  • 41 public Board workshops/meetings (including 2/28 special meeting)
  • 21 open houses and community meetings


  • Balance the needs of development with those of valuable natural resources
  • Prioritize key planning features and clearly define land and water use guidelines for development, with enough built-in flexibility to be able to quickly adjust to market demands
  • Protect opportunities for public access and parks on the waterfront for all Californians and visitors to enjoy
  • Streamline the permitting process for developers, investors, and Port staff to more effectively and efficiently process projects



Integrated Planning process begins with extensive public outreach, including more than 100 interviews with stakeholders and agencies, public workshops and Board of Port Commissioners meetings. HKS Urban Design Studio/Randy Morton is hired to lead Phase 1.


Vision Statement and Guiding Principles are accepted by the Board of Port Commissioners.


Framework Report is accepted by the Board in November 2015, concluding the visioning phase.


Initiation of Port Master Plan Update and scenario planning. Port staff begin working with the architectural firm, AECOM, to produce a draft updated Port Master Plan document.

  • 1/10/2017: PMPU Progress Report to Board
  • 3/9/2017: PMPU Public Board Workshop #1
  • 3/23/17: Public Open House #1 to learn about and discuss the PMPU
  • 4/12/17: PMPU EIR Scoping Meeting
  • 4/27/17: PMPU Public Board Workshop #2
  • 5/11/17: Public Open House #2 to learn about and discuss the PMPU
  • 5/25/17: PMPU Public Board Workshop #3
  • 7/11/17: PMPU Presentation to the Board
  • 8/8/17: PMPU Public Board Workshop #4
  • 8/10/17: Public Open House #3 - recap of 8/8/17 Board Workshop
  • 10/12/17: 2017 Silver Bernays Award of Excellence – Community Relations (Port of San Diego/Nuffer Smith Tucker), Public Relations Society of America
  • 11/14/17: PMPU Public Board Workshop #5
  • 11/15/17: Public Open House #4 - recap of 11/14/17 Board Workshop
  • 12/5/17: PMPU Public Board Workshop #6
  • 12/12/17: PMPU Public Board Workshop #7
  • 3/28/18: PMPU Public Board Workshop #8
  • 7/17/18: PMPU Public Board Workshop #9
  • 8/14/18: PMPUPublic Board Presentation and Discussion
  • 11/1/18: PMPU Public Board special meeting - Environmental Justice Policy Considerations
  • 12/13/18: Port Seeks Input on Embarcadero Planning District Via Online Survey
  • 12/18/18: PMPU Public Board Presentation and Discussion
  • 1/30/19: Public Open House #5 - Embarcadero Planning District
  • 2/12/19: PMPU Board Workshop #10
  • 2/25/19: PMPU Board Workshop #11
  • 3/14/19: PMPU Board Workshop #12
  • 4/25/19: PMPU Discussion Draft released for 90-day public review period
  • 4/30/19: PMPU Board Workshop #13
  • 6/6/19: Community Discussion Event #1 - Port of San Diego Administration Building
  • 6/12/19: Community Discussion Event #2 - La Mesa Community Center
  • 6/20/19: Community Discussion Event #3 - Palomar College Rancho Bernardo Education Center
  • 6/27/19: Community Discussion Event #4 - Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve
  • 7/15/19: Community Discussion Event #5 - Coronado Community Center
  • 8/28/19: Community Discussion Event #6 - Portuguese Hall in Point Loma
  • 9/16/19: Board of Port Commissioners Meeting - Manchester Grand Hyatt
  • August 4, 2020: PMPU Board Workshop #14 (North Embarcadero)
  • October 20, 2020: Revised Draft PMPU released for public review until November 17, 2020
  • December 7, 2020: PMPU Board Workshop #15 (Revised Draft)
  • Draft Program EIR circulated for public review (November 8, 2021 - January 10, 2022)
  • Prepared responses to public comment and prepare the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (January 2022-Summer 2023)
  • Release of the Final PEIR with the Final Draft PMPU.
  • Port Board unanimously certified the Program EIR and adopted the PMPU (February 28, 2024)
  • Processing of the PMPU with the California Coastal Commission (Anticipated spring 2024 - late 2024)
  • Coastal Commission Certification (Anticipated late 2024)
