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General Press Releases

Port of San Diego Celebrates National Public Works Week

The Port of San Diego joins public agencies throughout the country in celebrating May 15-21, 2022 as National Public Works Week, sponsored by the American Public Works Association (APWA). 

On May 10, the Board of Port Commissioners authorized a resolution proclaiming its support of National Public Works Week. Each year, APWA members in the U.S. and Canada spend this week honoring the tens of thousands of men and women who provide and maintain infrastructure and services collectively known as public works. National Public Works Week also serves as an education tool and helps inform the public on the important role public works plays in our everyday lives.

“During the pandemic and beyond, Port staff who make up several sectors of the Port’s public works space, have worked tirelessly to overcome every obstacle before them to keep our San Diego Bay waterfront safe, clean, and beautiful.” said Chairman Dan Malcolm, Board of Port Commissioners. “It is my great honor to recognize Port staff and the thousands of men and women around the country whose daily work plays a role in our communities and those who visit the bayfront.”

APWA has selected “Ready & Resilient” as its theme for 2022 National Public Works Week, which highlights the ability of professionals in the public works space to perform regular public works duties and be ready at a moment's notice to react as first responders during natural disasters and overcome trials seen in the field. We saw a prime example of these efforts during the pandemic as the world shut down and those in the public works sector continued on with business as usual.

In 2017, the Port of San Diego became the first port in the United States to be awarded National Accreditation through the APWA. The accreditation program recognizes public agencies that go beyond the required management practices established nationally, as outlined in the APWA Public Works Management Practices Manual. The benefits of accreditation continue to be realized as the Port works to improve processes and enhance operational efficiencies across our organization.


About THE Port of San Diego

The Port of San Diego serves the people of California as a specially created district, balancing multiple uses on 34 miles along San Diego Bay spanning five cities. Collecting no tax dollars, the Port manages a diverse portfolio to generate revenues that support vital public services and amenities.

The Port champions Maritime, Waterfront Development, Public Safety, Experiences and Environment, all focused on enriching the relationship people and businesses have with our dynamic waterfront. From cargo and cruise terminals to hotels and restaurants, from marinas to museums, from 22 public parks to countless events, the Port contributes to the region’s prosperity and remarkable way of life on a daily basis.