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General Press Releases
Public Safety

Harbor Police Officers Bring Good Tidings and Joy to Students in 2022 Shop with a Cop Event

Eleven lucky students from Perkins K-8 School in Barrio Logan were paired with eleven Port of San Diego Harbor Police officers on Saturday, December 3 in the annual Shop with a Cop event.

The fun began in the morning with the officers driving the students from Perkins to SeaWorld San Diego where they all enjoyed breakfast, attended a dolphin encounter show, and learned about the history of Shop with a Cop. The students also got to meet police officers who were Shop with a Cop participants when they themselves were young students.

Later in the day, the students rode in a police caravan to the Point Loma Target store, where they received complimentary Target gift cards and enjoyed a shopping spree. After shopping, the children went to the Port’s Cesar Chavez Park in Barrio Logan for some recreational fun. The day ended with the Harbor Police hosting a barbecue for the students and their parents.

“Shop with a Cop is a very humbling and rewarding experience. It gives Harbor Police an opportunity to interact closely with students within the communities neighboring the Port and a chance for us to give back,” said Chief Magda Fernandez, Port of San Diego Harbor Police Department. “I’m proud that Harbor Police and our partner law enforcement agencies were able to provide such a joyous day for these students.”

Shop with a Cop is an annual event sponsored by law enforcement agencies, SeaWorld, Target, and STAR/PAL that aims to provide children with a happier holiday season and encourage positive relationships with police. The Escondido Police Department hosted this year’s event and more than 300 uniformed officers from 30 different local, state, and federal agencies volunteered their time to partner with students from select local schools.

About THE Port of San Diego

The Port of San Diego serves the people of California as a specially created district, balancing multiple uses on 34 miles along San Diego Bay spanning five cities. Collecting no tax dollars, the Port manages a diverse portfolio to generate revenues that support vital public services and amenities.

The Port champions Maritime, Waterfront Development, Public Safety, Experiences and Environment, all focused on enriching the relationship people and businesses have with our dynamic waterfront. From cargo and cruise terminals to hotels and restaurants, from marinas to museums, from 22 public parks to countless events, the Port contributes to the region’s prosperity and remarkable way of life on a daily basis.


Port of San Diego Public Safety protects and oversees the safety of our dynamic San Diego Bay waterfront—land and sea.

Port Public Safety is responsible for safeguarding waterfront parks and land, maintaining homeland security and collaborating with agency partners to deter crime locally and abroad. Through the Harbor Police Department, the Port provides for the safety of our communities and resources along San Diego Bay and at San Diego International Airport, and is seen as a global leader in maritime and aviation public safety.