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Leasing Policies

The Port's policies related to leasing of property are established by the Board of Port Commissioners (BPC) and the Real Estate Department is the lead department that implements these policies.

a fountain bubbles in a courtyard at Coronado Ferry Landing

Leasing Policies

The Port's policies related to leasing of property are established by the Board of Port Commissioners (BPC) and the Real Estate Department is the lead department that implements these policies.

BPC Policy No. 355, "Leasing Policies", is the specific policy which governs the District’s administration of its real estate assets.

Form No. 317 is used by Real Estate to obtain the prospective tenant information that is needed prior to negotiating a lease. 

Form No. 320 is used by Real Estate to obtain the needed information for each tenant sublease. 

If you have questions regarding the above policy and forms, please call Real Estate at 619.686.6291.