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Other Public Meetings

Chula Vista Wildlife Advisory Group

The Chula Vista Wildlife Advisory Group (WAG) is an advisory committee that provides environmental guidance and feedback on the redevelopment of the Chula Vista Bayfront. In May 2010, the Port of San Diego, the City of Chula Vista, and the Bayfront Coalition signed a settlement agreement forming the WAG. The settlement agreement requires the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan (CVBMP) to adopt environmental protections and guidelines that go above and beyond those required by federal, state, and local laws and regulations.


One of the WAG’s primary tasks is development of these environmental protections within the Chula Vista Bayfront Natural Resources Management Plan (NRMP), which was completed in 2016. The NRMP can be found at the bottom of this webpage in the documents section. The NRMP provides environmental guidance and requirements to best protect and enhance the natural resources found along the Chula Vista Bayfront.

An overview of the NRMP’s main guidelines:

  • Management objectives and performance standards to guide preparation of the Natural Resources Management Plan.
  • Designation of no-touch habitat buffer areas and installation of fencing and additional controls for habitat protection.
  • Design of walkways and paths to minimize adjacency impacts to wildlife habitat areas.
  • A commitment to provide predator management for wildlife habitat areas.
  • The creation of additional habitat management and protections, including coordination with state and federal natural resource agencies.
  • Drafting of measures to reduce incidents of bird strikes to buildings and bird disorientation.
  • Creation of urban runoff and storm water quality monitoring and management requirements.
  • Drafting of landscaping and vegetation guidelines.
  • Creation of lighting and illumination standards to reduce impacts on wildlife.
  • Creation of noise controls, including limitation of fireworks displays to three or fewer events per year.
  • Environmental education programs for construction workers, local residents, visitors, and business tenants.
  • Restrictions on motorized boating in sensitive areas and a prohibition on the rental of motorized personal watercraft.

The WAG also provided feedback and review on the Restoration & Enhancement Alternatives for the Chula Vista Bayfront, also available in the documents section below. The Restoration & Enhancement Alternatives outlines eight additional habitat restoration or habitat enhancement projects that would increase the amount of coastal wetland habitat and/or improve the quality, hydrology, and ecosystem services these habitats provide within the Chula Vista Bayfront. Though these projects are not required under the Settlement Agreement, the WAG and Port staff are actively pursuing grants and other funding opportunities to complete these projects.


The WAG is comprised of several organizations and volunteer members that are appointed through the Settlement Agreement, the City of Chula Vista, and/or the Port. Representatives include the Bayfront Coalition, which consists of the Environmental Health Coalition, San Diego Audubon Society, San Diego Coastkeeper, Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation, Southwest Wetlands Interpretative Association, Surfrider Foundation – San Diego Chapter, and Empower San Diego. In addition to the Bayfront Coalition, the WAG has representatives from the Chula Vista Sustainability Commission, Living Coast Discovery Center, the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, residents from the City of Chula Vista, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Port tenants. The Port and the City of Chula Vista appreciates all the WAG members and the time they volunteer to support and provide guidance on the redevelopment of the Chula Vista Bayfront.

  • Allegis Development Services (CVBMP Developer/Port Tenant) – Kipland Howard
  • Chula Vista Resident, Northwest – Paula Matthei
  • Chula Vista Resident, Southeast – Rafael Torres
  • Chula Vista Resident, Southwest – Susan Johnson
  • Chula Vista Sustainability Commission – Jeanine Sharkey
  • Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation – Marco Gonzalez
  • Empower San Diego – Charles Rilli
  • Environmental Health Coalition – Dan McKirnan
  • Living Coast Discovery Center: Educational Programs – Shayna Foreman
  • Living Coast Discovery Center: Programs/Operations – Susan Fuller
  • Pacifica Companies (CVBMP Developer/Port Tenant) – Jack Straw
  • San Diego Audubon Society – Jim Peugh 
  • San Diego Coastkeeper – Melanie Croce
  • San Diego Working Waterfront (Port Appointee) – Bill Hall (WAG Chair)
  • San Diego Working Waterfront (Port Appointee) – Sharon Cloward
  • San Diego Zoo and Safari Park: Eco-Tourism Based Business – Lisa Nordstrom
  • Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association – Michael McCoy
  • Sun Outdoors San Diego Bay RV Park (CVBMP Developer/Port Tenant) – Ben Elliott
  • Surfrider Foundation, San Diego County Chapter – Todd Cardiff
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Endangered Species – Sandy Vissman
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex – Andy Yuen

The WAG meets semi-annually, and meetings are open to the public. For more information on or assistance with the WAG, please contact Eileen Maher and Heather Carroll in the Port’s Environmental Conservation department via the phone number or email address below.

Phone: 619.686.6254
